
Advent of Cyber 2023 - [Day 7] ‘Tis the season for log chopping! - Tryhackme

Advent of Cyber 2023 - [Day 7] ‘Tis the season for log chopping!

Day - 7 Questions and Answers: ✅

1. How many unique IP addresses are connected to the proxy server?
Ans: 9

2. How many unique domains were accessed by all workstations?
Ans: 111

3. What status code is generated by the HTTP requests to the least accessed domain?
Ans: 503

4. Based on the high count of connection attempts, what is the name of the suspicious domain?
Ans: frostlings.bigbadstash.thm

5. What is the source IP of the workstation that accessed the malicious domain?

6. How many requests were made on the malicious domain in total?
Ans: 1581

7. Having retrieved the exfiltrated data, what is the hidden flag?
Ans: THM{a_gift_for_you_awesome_analyst!}

If you enjoyed doing log analysis, check out the Log Analysis module in the SOC Level 2 Path.


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