ProjectDiscovery Cloud Platform Integration with Dashboard for Nuclei Results
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If you've been around our community for some time, you know that we've been hard at work getting ProjectDiscovery Cloud Platform ready for all of you. Our goal is to support community members using PD tools for everyone; from bug bounty hunting all the way through large enterprises who want to use cutting-edge tools to detect exploitable vulnerabilities in their external attack surface.
While much of that work has been behind the scenes with design partners and others, we have released parts of PDCP as they become available to our community at large. The first part of PDCP to be released was our AI-template generator, testing of templates against single targets, and the ability to integrate that directly into your browser with our AI-template generator Chrome Extension.
But today, we are thrilled to announce the first integration of Nuclei directly into the ProjectDiscovery Cloud Platform, with the ability to upload results directly from the nuclei CLI to your own dashboard in PDCP!
The Dashboard in |
With the release of 'nuclei 3.1.0', everyone can experience the future vision for ProjectDiscovery Cloud Platform…today. Here's how:
1. Make sure you have the latest nuclei version (at least v3.1.0) by running 'nuclei -version' in your terminal.
2. If you need to update, you can run 'nuclei -up' or check out the PD Tool Manager to make sure you always have the latest PD releases.
3. Visit to generate an API token to use with PDCP (Select "Sign up" if you don't have an account already!)
4. Once you have that API key copied, run 'nuclei -auth' in your terminal
5. Paste your API key when prompted, and you should see 'Successfully logged in'.
6. After that, you should be able to upload your results using the flag '-cloud-upload'.
nuclei -target -cloud-upload
And when the command completes, you'll see a URL in the output to view the scan results! You can learn more about the results dashboard in our documentation.
[INF] Scan results uploaded!View them at
The Dashboard of Scans |
Using PDCP to filter results:
You can then filter the results using the column on the left side to find vulnerabilities by severity, host, or the specific template used:
filter options for results |
You can also search for specific vulnerabilities and edit the types of data you're looking at:
search functionality |
History of Results:
You also can go to "Scans" in PDCP to see the whole history of any previous uploads from Nuclei to compare results over time.
previous scans |