
Broken Authentication and Session Management

Broken Authentication and Session Management

Step-by-Step Explanation:

1st Scenario

📌 Old Session Does Not Expire After Password Change:

Broken Authentication and Session Management

2nd Scenario

📌 Session Hijacking (Intended Behaviour)

Impact: If the attacker gets the cookies of the victim it will lead to an account takeover.

Broken Authentication and Session Management

3rd Scenario

📌 Password reset token does not expire (Insecure Configuration)

Broken Authentication and Session Management

4th Scenario

📌 Server security misconfiguration

-> Lack of security headers -> Cache control for a security page

Broken Authentication and Session Management

5th Scenario

📌 Broken Authentication to Email Verification Bypass (P4):

Category: P4 >> Broken Authentication and Session Management >> Failure to Invalidate Session >> On Password Reset and/or Change

Broken Authentication and Session Management

6th Scenario

📌 Email Verification Bypass (P3/P4)

Impact: Email Verification Bypass

Broken Authentication and Session Management

7th Scenario

📌 Old Password Reset Token Not Expiring upon Requesting New One (Sometimes P4)

Note: Some Companies won’t Accept it as a Valid Issue.

Broken Authentication and Session Management

8th Scenario

📌 Password Reset Token Not Expiring After Password Change (P4):

Broken Authentication and Session Management

Thank you guys for Reading this Post -- Happy Hunting 🐞

Resources: Google & YouTube

Authors: Farhan & Raiders

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